Wednesday, September 17, 2008

First Blog

Well... I've been trying to get this site up and going and have determined that I have no clue what I'm doing. So I decided if I'm going to get my first post up before Christmas, then I'd better just get started and I can fine tune as I go along.

This is my first week on my new job. I still feel like I'm on vacation and I'll just head back to work at DaySpring on Monday. Weird. I guess it will just take a while.

My new adventure is going well. I'm updating this blog from the hotel room in Cleveland. It's pretty nice here. I'm hoping to get to go to the Rock- n- Roll Hall of Fame while I'm here, but it may have to wait until next time.

I have to tell about my dining experience tonight. It's a hoot! I decided that I was tired of fast food and wanted to go to an actual restaraunt for dinner tonight. I have no clue what's good around here and what isn't, so I found a restaraunt that had lots of cars around it and figured it couldn't be too bad. As soon as I walked in, I could tell that the food was going to be good... the atmosphere wasn't! Now most of you know that I like kids... most of the time, so don't take this as a kid bashing story. As soon as I walk in, little Johnny (probably about 4 years old)whizzes past me, with a binky in his mouth and trying to talk at the same time. Shortly behind little Johnny comes Grandma (she was no small grandma either... I would have listened to what she had to say if I was little Johnny!) yelling... "Johnny, you get back here". Well grandma couldn't move as fast as little Johnny bless her heart plus she had Johnny's little sister in tow, hanging upside down from under grandma's left arm. So she's haning onto little sister, trying to catch up with Johnny, who continues to run amuck and duck under poor grandma's one armed grab attempts. Little sister starts to squirm, I'm sure that it was because all the blood was rushing to her little head and she was starting to see spots. She starts saying hi to everyone they run past while trying to catch up to Johnny. By this time, he'd made at least two full trips around the restaraunt eluding grandma and giggling all the while. Somewhere along the way, grandma lost little sister and finally caught up to Johnny. Then she must have realized that little sister was no where in sight and let go of Johnny and went to find little sister. So... it started all over again. Except this time, you could tell that grandma was a little out of breath and tired of trying to catch Johnny, so she just tucked little sister under her arm and started yelling "JOHNNY" "You get back here" So then Johnny decides he's going to taunt grandma by running all around her legs but just out of arms reach and giggling and talking with the binky hanging out of his mouth. I wanted to just go grab him and hand him to her, but by this point, I was becoming quite amuzed at this situation. I know that's terrible of me, but I just couldn't help it. This was better than those big screen tv's that you can watch while you eat. I guess at some point Johnny, grandma and little sister must have went back to their seats, because there was about 5 minutes of peace before I see Johnny on the run again. This time someone else is chasing him... his mother? Where the heck was she when grandma was pushing a heart attack trying to chase this kid around! I guess momma has magical powers because Johnny came back by, walking normally and with no binky in his mouth.

Well... I have tons more stories from my trip but you'll have to wait until tomorrow to hear about them. I just had to post about my quiet evening at the fine dining establishment. I sure hope Johnny's asleep by now!!

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