Thursday, October 23, 2008

I can't believe I've already been home a week! It goes by so fast! I'm sure that it will be nice and chilly this trip to Ohio... better pack my heavy coat! I've been thinking about my friends from DaySpring a lot lately. I miss getting to talk to them every day. You work with someone for several years, you learn a lot about each other and I just miss talking to them or laughing and joking. We did a lot of laughing and joking! Once I'm back from this trip, I'm going to try to go visit them and do a little catching up.

I'm not really sure what to write about this time. I have so much that I want to say and get out of my head, but I just can't seem to put it all into words right now. Maybe it will come easier soon and you will be reading novels on here! I guess until then, I'm going to go ahead and close this post.

Before I leave this post, I would like to ask you to please pray for my Mamaw. She just isn't doing very well. Her health seems to decline more every day. She fell the other day, thank goodness she didn't break any bones! She has such a hard time getting around any more. It's very hard to watch her decline the way that she is. She's always been so strong and taken care of everyone else, and now we're taking care of her.


Georgia said...

I'm very sorry about your Mamaw falling! I'll be praying for her!

Anonymous said...


Thanks for blogging. I appreciate getting to read your blog to see what is happening in your life.

I miss you here at DaySpring.
