Thursday, October 16, 2008

Traveling A lot

Sorry it's been a bit since I've posted. It's been pretty busy lately. I've been to Cleveland every other week since I've started this job and it looks like I will be doing the same until the first part of December. I actually enjoy getting to travel. I've met a lot of interesting people along this journey. Heidi from Boundless Flight called today and she has another prospective client for me to meet. She's going to set something up the next time I'm here in Cleveland, which will be the last week in October, and the class I'm going to teach the week of Nov. 17th is filling up fast!

I've decided to head back early on Friday Oct. 31st, tho because it will be Jasmin's first Halloween! I know she's not going to know what the heck is going on, but she'll have fun. She's just going to visit family so they can see her all dressed up in her little pink tutu and ballerina slippers! How cute is that? I'll have to post some pics of her.

I finally broke down and had to get a smart phone. I decided on a Blackberry (it was the cheapest, believe it or not!). I can finally answer the blasted thing now, but surfing the net or reading e-mails....that's gonna take me a while! It always annoyed me when the flight attendant would say to "put away all cell phones and two way pagers" and here were people still clicking away on their phones and digging them out as soon as the wheels touched the ground! Well... I am officially one of those annoying people! Oh, well... I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later. You spend several hours on a plane and once you land you just have to know right away what you missed in those few hours. Did we send someone to mars yet, what happened on the Presidential debates, Are Meredith and McDreamy still together or did she run away again (c'mon... seriously, get it together girl!)?

Well... I guess that's all for now. I'm going to go to bed, so I can head to work tomorrow, then to the airport to fly home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tanya...I miss you!!!